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Neck Ties


Traditionally used in British schools, the "house" system enables both competition and camaraderie among students. This system started in boarding schools, where students lived in individual houses during school terms. At Monarch Meadows, we use school houses as a means to encourage healthy competition, as well as a way for students to strive to do their best. Students can earn points for their houses and at the end of the year, be eligible to win the House Cup. Each year, new students will be sorted into their house and remain in that house during their time at Monarch Meadows. The houses include: 






House Points

Students can earn house points by:

  • staying on task during lessons

  • helping others, especially when not asked

  • having perfect attendance (points awarded at the end of each month)

  • completing assignments during lesson time

  • turning in homework assingments on time

  • receiving an A on a test or quiz

  • reading an entire book (chapter books for 3rd grade and above)

  • winning house games

Students can loose house points by:

  • being disruptive during lessons

  • being disrespectful to a teacher or another student

  • tardiness

  • losing or not finishing an assignment

  • turning an assignment in late

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