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Kid Feeding Goats

Policies & Procedures


Monarch Meadows is currently accepting students for enrollment who are in K-6th grade. To begin the enrollment process, please visit our application page. There you will fill out an application for your child and set up an interview and placement test with the teacher. 


For families who have previously enrolled and would like for their child to continue attending, a link to the enrollment form will be sent to you via email. 


*For youngest students: In order to be eligible to enroll, your child must know and recognize the name and sounds of the entire alphabet, as well as know and recognize the numbers 1-10. 

Parents are responsible for the drop off and pick up of their child(ren) in a timely manner. For safety purposes, parents will be required to sign their child(ren) in when dropping them off, as well as sign their child(ren) out when picking them up. If parents want to allow another family member or non-family member to drop off or pick up (ex. carpooling), they must provide the names and contact information of that person to the school. This information will be kept in the child's personal file. If an unathorized individual attemtps to pick up a child, parents of the child will be contacted immediately.


Morning drop off period - 8:00 to 8:15 a.m.

Afternoon drop off time - 1:45 p.m.


Pick up times: 1:30 p.m. (for those doing Academics Only)

                         3:00 p.m.


Students should miss no more than fifteen days during the 176 day school year, excused or unexcused. Excused absences include: illness, doctor's appointment, funeral attendance, or religious holidays or exercises. 


School closures due to inclement weather do not count against a student's attendance record. 


Notification of Absences: If your child needs to miss school, please let the school know as soon as possible, so lessons can be made available to them. 


Students are responsible for arriving to school on time. Students who arrive after the drop off times will be considered tardy. Tardiness can result in a loss of house points. If a student is more than twenty minutes late after the drop off period, they will be marked absent for the day. Each tardy is valuable instructional time lost. 


Exceptions are made if your child is late due to an appointment, family emergencies, or inclement weather. 

School Closures

The school may be closed for inclement weather. When this happens, parents will be notified no later than 6:00 a.m. on the day of the closing. Monarch Meadows also follows the same weather directives as the St. Vrain Valley school district.

If Your Child is Sick

If your child is sick, please notify the school as soon as possible. Do not send your child to school if he or she: 

  • has a fever over 100 degrees or have not been fever free for at least 24 hours

  • has vomited within the last 12 hours

  • is in the early stages of a cold

  • has a cough or rash

  • has any discharge coming from nose, ears, or eyes

  • is experiencing any form of nausea


If your child becomes sick while at school, parents will be contacted immediately. Students must be picked up within the hour parents are called. 

Dress Code

All students should come to school washed, with combed hair, and dressed in clean, yet farm-appropriate clothing. Students cannot wear their pajamas to school (unless it is for a specific school event). Closed-toed shoes are recommended, but students can wear sandals during the warmer months. 


All students must bring a pair of slippers to keep at the school, as shoes will not be worn in the schoolhouse when there is wet and/or snowy weather.  


Students must also dress appropriately for the weather. During cold, snowy seasons, all students should have snow boots, snow pants, coat, water-proof gloves, hat, and scarf to keep warm. 

Personal Belongings

Students are responsible for their own belongings. There will be a lost and found basket in the classroom if an item is misplaced. 


Students are not allowed to bring toys to school, unless they are given permission by the teacher. 


For hiking trips and field trips: Students are expected to carry their own backpacks, so please make sure they pack only what they need (lunch, snack, water bottle, sunscreen, hat, binoculars). 

Lunch & Snacks

Lunch is not provided by the school, so your child must bring his or her own lunch. A microwave will be provided. On field trip days, students must bring a sack lunch. 


Students will also have two snack breaks, so please make sure your child comes with several good and healthy snacks, such as fruit, nuts, or high-protein foods. 


Please make sure your child brings a water bottle everyday. If your child happens to forget their water bottle, a drinking cup will be provided. 


Once a month students will attend an etiquette class. A meal may or may not be provided on those days. Parents will be notified the day before.


Beginning in October, on the last Friday morning of the month, hot chocolate will be available to drink, however, your child must bring their own thermos. Hot tea will be available everyday. 


All 1st-6th grade students will be required to keep a daily reading log (Monday-Friday) and complete a certain amount of reading time each day at home:

      K: Phonics practice; 10 minutes

      1st grade: 10 - 15 minutes

      2nd grade: 20 minutes

      3rd-4th grade: 30 minutes

      5th-6th grade: 45-60 minutes


Students in 3rd grade and above will also be required to complete homework for Latin.


Any work not completed in class, such as arithmetic or language arts, will have to be completed as homework and turned in the next day. Therefore, students are encouraged to use lesson time wisely so they don't have to take work home. Students can earn house points for lessons completed in class. 


Students are also responsible for turning in all assignments and completing all assigned readings. Any lost, incomplete, or late assignments and/or readings will result in the loss of house points: 

      1st time: -5 house points

      2nd time: -15 house points

      3rd time: -25 house points

      4th time: -50 house points



At Monarch Meadows we do not tolerate certain behaviors and language. These include:


- Arguing with the teacher

- Talking back to the teacher

- Kicking, biting, punching, hitting, licking, pinching, other students and/or teachers

- Mocking other students or teachers


- Joking about death

- Joking about hurting another person, giving inappropriate descriptions of the body

- Bathroom talk (speaking inappropriately about bodily functions) 

- Using profanity

- Namecalling

There is an immediate 3-strike policy for any of this misbehavior. Any student who partakes in this misbehavior will first lose a percentage of their class currency and privilege to attend field trips. The second time they will be required to attend an at-school suspension at which they will complete chores and tasks around the school and farm. The third time will be expulsion from the school. This is a very serious matter and we don't want this to happen to any of our students. 

Drop Off & Pick Up

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